Serverless API Coding Model


Previously I described this blog’s Serverless API Deployment. Next we will explain how we have coded this blog’s lambda based APIs, to include the behaviours from this blog’s API Journey – Server Side blog post.

Portable Coding Model

In our earlier Node.js API we used the Express HTTP Server.  As part of migrating to AWS Serverless, we have only changed the API’s host layer. The API logic classes are identical to the earlier API:

Since the code is largely the same as our earlier Express based sample, this post will primarily explain the differences in setup and OAuth processing.

Lambda Entry Points

The entry point to lambda functions is equivalent to our earlier Rest Controller classes and looks like this:

  • A service class is resolved and asked to do the work
  • Cross cutting concerns execute before and after service logic
const container = new Container();
const baseHandler = async (): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResult> => {

    const baseClaims = container.get<BaseClaims>(BASETYPES.BaseClaims);
    ScopeVerifier.enforce(baseClaims.scopes, 'transactions_read');

    const service = container.get<CompanyService>(SAMPLETYPES.CompanyService);
    const companies = await service.getCompanyList();

    return ResponseWriter.objectResponse(200, companies);

const configuration = new LambdaConfiguration();
const handler = configuration.enrichHandler(baseHandler, container);

export {handler};

Applying Cross Cutting Concerns

Lambdas are enriched by injecting middleware classes to manage aspects such as Authorization, Logging and Error Handling:

public enrichHandler(baseHandler: AsyncHandler, container: Container)
    : middy.MiddyfiedHandler<APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult> | AsyncHandler {

    const configuration = this._loadConfiguration();

    const base = new BaseCompositionRoot(container)
        .useLogging(configuration.logging, loggerFactory)
        .withCustomClaimsProvider(new SampleCustomClaimsProvider(), configuration.cache)

    const loggerMiddleware = base.getLoggerMiddleware();
    const exceptionMiddleware = base.getExceptionMiddleware();
    const authorizerMiddleware = base.getAuthorizerMiddleware();
    const customHeaderMiddleware = base.getCustomHeaderMiddleware();

    return middy(async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent, context: Context) => {
        return baseHandler(event, context);



Earlier Node.js samples used middleware built into the Express Web Server, whereas for AWS Lambdas we are using the Middy Library, to separate plumbing code from the API’s logic classes:

Middy provides interception points called before, after and error. As an example, our LoggerMiddleware class updates log entries using the following code:

export class LoggerMiddleware implements middy.MiddlewareObj<APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult> {

    private readonly _container: Container;
    private readonly _loggerFactory: LoggerFactoryImpl;

    public constructor(container: Container, loggerFactory: LoggerFactoryImpl) {
        this._container = container;
        this._loggerFactory = loggerFactory;

    public before(request: middy.Request<APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult>): void {

        const logEntry = this._loggerFactory.createLogEntry();
        logEntry.start(request.event, request.context);

    public after(request: middy.Request<APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult>): void {

        const logEntry = this._container.get<LogEntryImpl>(BASETYPES.LogEntry);
        if (request.response && request.response.statusCode) {

Middleware Classes

Our sample uses the following middleware classes, which are equivalent to those in our earlier Node.js code:

Middleware Class Responsibility
LoggerMiddleware Manages the log entry for each request, by logging request and response details
OAuthAuthorizer JWT access token validation, creating the claims principal and identity logging
CustomHeaderMiddleware Allows advanced client side testing of APIs, to enable error rehearsal
UnhandledExceptionHandler A central place for adding error details to logs, and producing the client error

Dependency Injection

With Serverless lambdas I continue to use a modern and productive coding model based on dependency injection. This has benefits around code clarity, extensibility and testing:

export class CompanyService {

    private readonly _repository: CompanyRepository;
    private readonly _claims: SampleCustomClaims;

    public constructor(
        @inject(SAMPLETYPES.CompanyRepository) repository: CompanyRepository,
        @inject(BASETYPES.CustomClaims) claims: SampleCustomClaims) {

        this._repository = repository;
        this._claims = claims;

In AWS, the entire API is spun up on every single HTTP request. There is no need to implement the Child Container Per Request pattern, as used by the earlier Node.js API. If ever needed in future, the same technique of storing the child container in the request object would be used.

JWT Access Token Validation

Previously we explained this blog’s approach to JWT Validation in APIs, which involves caching the token signing public keys in memory. For the Serverless API I needed to provide a custom key retriever to the JOSE library:

const result = await jwtVerify(accessToken, this._jwksRetriever.getKey, options);

A function with the following method signature is required, and this blog’s implementation gets cached keys from DynamoDB, to avoid needing to call the Authorization Server on every API request:

async getKey(
        protectedHeader: JWSHeaderParameters,
        token: FlattenedJWSInput): Promise<Uint8Array | KeyLike>;

This required a custom cache class to wrap DynamoDB, some of whose code is shown below:

export class AwsCache implements Cache {

    private readonly _configuration: CacheConfiguration;
    private readonly _extraClaimsProvider: ExtraClaimsProvider;
    private readonly _database: DynamoDBClient;

    public constructor(configuration: CacheConfiguration, extraClaimsProvider: ExtraClaimsProvider) {

        try {

            this._configuration = configuration;
            this._extraClaimsProvider = extraClaimsProvider;
            this._database = new DynamoDBClient({region: configuration.region});

        } catch (e) {

            throw ErrorUtils.fromCacheError(BaseErrorCodes.cacheConnect, e);

    public async setJwksKeys(jwksText: string): Promise<void> {

        const params = {
            TableName: this._configuration.tableName,
            Item: {
                'CACHE_KEY' : {S: 'JWKS'},
                'CACHE_VALUE' : {S: jwksText},
                'TTL_VALUE': {N: `${this._getExpiry()}`},

        await this._putItem(params);

    private async _putItem(params: PutItemInput): Promise<void> {

        try {

            const command = new PutItemCommand(params);
            await this._database.send(command);

        } catch (e: any) {

            throw ErrorUtils.fromCacheError(BaseErrorCodes.cacheWrite, e);

OAuth Middleware Customization

The API authorizes according to this blog’s Authorization Design. This involves looking up and caching the following extra claims when an access token is first received.

export class SampleExtraClaims extends ExtraClaims {
    private readonly _title: string;
    private readonly _regions: string[];

The earlier Updated API Code blog post described how this was implemented in Node.js. To cache extra authorization values not included in the access token, the AwsCache class is again used.

Although DynamoDB caching works well enough for my demo purposes, it would be suboptimal for a real company, and also adds to code complexity should be. The ability to easily cache data in-memory between requests is an important API behaviour.

Test Code

The API has some integration tests and utility classes to enable the API to be tested without an Authorization Server. During tests, the input.txt and output.txt data contain requests and responses in the lambda format:

The following test verifies authorization to data based on the domain specific ‘regions‘ array claim. The utility classes deal with boiler plate code such as running ‘sls invoke‘ as a child process:

it ('Get transactions returns 404 for companies that do not match the regions claim', async () => {

    const accessToken = await tokenIssuer.issueAccessToken(guestUserId);

    const mockUserInfo = {
        given_name: 'Guest',
        family_name: 'User',
        email: '',
    await wiremockAdmin.registerUserInfo(JSON.stringify(mockUserInfo));

    const options = {
        httpMethod: 'GET',
        apiPath: '/investments/companies/3/transactions',
        lambdaFunction: 'getCompanyTransactions',
        pathParameters: {
            id: '3',
    const response = await LambdaChildProcess.invoke(options);

    assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 404, 'Unexpected HTTP status code');
    assert.strictEqual(response.body.code, 'company_not_found', 'Unexpected error code');


Lambda Code Debugging

On a developer PC, running ‘npm run build‘ produces Source Maps to enable debugging. The launch.json file can then point to a particular lambda to be debugged:

          "name":"Launch API",

This enables the input.txt file produced from a mocha test to be used to debug a lambda, then step through the original lines of TypeScript code and view the state of variables, such as OAuth / claims fields:

Where Are We?

We have a productive setup for our cloud API, with modern techniques for coding, testing and deployment. This enables low cost cloud hosting, though earlier cloud native APIs had better API capabilities.

Next Steps